Saturday 31 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 4

After doing some research into audiences and demographic profiles, we decided that the target audience for our product would be of the younger variety, more specifically in their teenage years. Being in this age category ourselves, this proved to be a straight forward task, as we were creating material that would potentially be viewed by ourselves.
 In the early stages of our project, we did a section on the blog that shows the ideal demographic profile of a member of our target audience. This is what we came up with:

Age: 16-25
Gender: Female
Social status: Comes from a working class back round, aims to achieve highly through education and better own situation.
Ethnic back round: Mainly white, british, but may appeal to other ethnic groups.
Education: A full time student at college/university.
Subjects likely to be taking: Psychology, media, sociology, art. A mixture of academic and creative subjects.
Occupation: Part time work in a retail store.
General interests: Being with friends, concerts, being with the boyfriend, engaging in many media products such as face book and twitter, reading books centred around romance/thrillers. Likes to be different and not follow a crowd.
Musical taste: Non mainstream, quirky style of rock/acoustic based music.
Movies likely to have seen: This is England, Fish Tank, Submarine, Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, Harry Potter franchise.
Relationship status: In a steady relationship, likely to take her boyfriend/partner along with her to see the movie.
Reasons for consumption: To explore certain ideas that they haven't experienced before, and to form on screen relationships with characters. They consume media in a light hearted way, for entertainment purposes and to be sociable, and up to date with media.

 The genre of our media product is coming of age, romance and drama. The storyline involves a teenage boy discovering himself and the world around him, and falling in love with a girl who doesnt 'fit in' with the crowd. His goal is to stop her from ending her life come the end of the film. The interest of this kind of media product would be with teenagers that perhaps haven't found themselves yet, but just go along with a crowd to feel that they fit in.

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