Thursday 22 March 2012

Rough Cut - Small Voice

Here is our rough cut opening, which we aim to improve by recieving and acting upon consumer feedback.

“I think the silence at the beginning lasts too long and the start of the music seems random. Otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed watching your film opening”

“Excellent effort, great use of camera angles and an interesting storyline. I want to watch more!”

“The sound needs to be muted in the scene where you are in the alley way as you can hear the wind and someone shouting”

“Sometimes the voice over and music overpowers one another so it’s difficult to hear what is being said, but the editing was very effective and had a great storyline too”

“I really like your opening, it looks very professional. Now all you need is to add titles and an ident” 

" I can tell you have put in a lot of effort. The only improvement I can think of is that you could start the music at the beginning of the sequence"

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