Monday 26 March 2012

Diary Entry For Filming - Alex Smith

Today we ventured out from college, got on the bus and travelled to a local housing estate. Here we had pre arranged the use of a relative's house to film some of the shots for our opening. Due to not wanting to outstay our welcome we had to be efficient in filming the necessary shots needed for our film these were:


1)   Establishing Shot – Housing Estate.
2)   Close Up – Match on action for Male character carrying bin and reaction shot to thinking about girl.
3)   Low Angle Shot - Male character carrying bin.
4) Mid Shot – Female character walking out of the house and slamming door. (To be reversed)   

Laura did most of the filming for the shots I was in and we all took the role of directing each other. Due to unfamiliarity with the location it took a while to get some of the angles for filming just right.

Later on in the afternoon we set about filming the college corridor scenes, requesting the help of our peers for extra characters. The shots included:

1) Mid Shot – College corridor, Female character gets up from the floor crying.
2)   Close Up – Male character reaction shot.
3)   Mid Shot – Bully character trips up Female character.
4)   Close Up – Bully character’s emotion/reaction.
5)   Mid Shot – Approach of Female character.
6)   Mid Shot – College conversation between Bully and Male character.

Hardly any technical hitches or problems , all in all a good day.

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