Monday 26 March 2012

Diary Entry For Filming - Alex Smith


Bright and early! Me and Sabrina met in town to film the bench shots, this proved somewhat difficult. We couldn't use a tripod, as it would draw too much attention to the general public being some of the shot. We also needed to film long enough so that when the film was sped up there was enough material, this meant waiting around for a long time when filming hoping we were filming some good quality shots!
We tried balancing the camera in a handbag, but ended up shooting the floor and in the end resulted in Sabrina holding the camera by her side and filming without the use of the digital viewfinder. In the end we just had to go with what we had filmed and edit accordingly and as professionally as possible.

Today we also requested the help of our fellow peers, who we used to act some extra characters. After college we headed to an alleyway close by and filmed:

1) Mid Shot – Bullies ‘high fiving’.
2)   Mid Shot – Bullies tormenting Female character.
3)   Close Up – Female character’s emotions.
4)    POV/Establishing Shot – Alleyway, where bullying is taking place.
5)   Wide Shot – Male character walking past alleyway.
6)   Mid Shot – Bullies tormenting Female character.7)   Over-the-shoulder-shot – Shows relapse of time in alleyway.
8)   Mid Shot – Female character leaving alleyway.

        Hardly any problems when filming just difficult providing a clear flow of what is going on, although Laura and Emily's laughing did slow the process of filming.

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