Friday 30 March 2012

Preliminary - Continuity Exercise By Laura Bebber And Alex Smith

This is the prelimiary sequence in which Alex and I created to show aspects of continuity and various shot types. I feel that the match-on-action flows extremely well and that we learnt a lot from the process. The shot-reverse-shots during the exchange of dialogue are effective and help to improve the overall professionalism.
In order to improve on the overall construction, I feel that we could have cropped the scene at 0:21 as you can hear laughing in the background. Despite this, the effort we put into the filming shows as we achieved good match on action fluency. We also incorporated plenty of dialogue and a brief story line into the task. We thought carefully about each small aspect such as which foot Alex was stepping onto to increase the validity. The editing went well as we filmed each stage in chronological order. This made the process easier and allowed us to finish the project within a short space of time.

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