Sunday 1 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 5

In relation to the playability of our product, we believe that is attracts and addresses our target audience in a number of ways.
Firstly, our product is centred around teenage ways of life, and explores the taboo subject of teenage suicide. This would draw in our audience because this subject matter is often potrayed in the media as a teenage trait, and many young people would relate to how our female protagonist is feeling.
The gender or our target audience is female, and to rienforce this we made sure that the first character you see is a girl, that fits the criteria of being vulnerable, depressed and in love. By shooting a couple of college scenes, it also rienforces the idea that our target audience are students, that are well educated and perhaps in the middle class social status bracket. Furthermore, the male protagonist voice over is distinctively a British accent, which also emphasises the more educated side to teenage life, and how our film represents real characters with real emotion.
In many coming of age films, and teenage films in general there is a stereotypical 'cool guy' male that girls have a crush on. We have made Alex (the male protagonist) to fit that stereotype, and has two females that want him throughout the film. This would draw in female attraction as we try to make the viewers want him to be with the female protagonist, and leave behind his 'cool' group that bully her.
We believe that our media product also has an educational aspect to it, and that it could teach young people about morals and anti-bullying. This would attract a younger audience that are on a learning curve, and are perhaps stuck in the same situation through school/college.
The feedback from peers we recieved indicated that they felt that our opening sequence attracted their attention, and that they wanted to watch the full film! I think we have succesfully addressed our target audience, and that all of our research and understanding about how we are going to address them definitely paid off.

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