Monday 26 March 2012

Health and safety whilst filming

When given the responsibility to go out and film for a media product, there are always health and safety issues that need to be planned, and seen through. In our opening, the main female character is suicidal and jumps of a cliff wall. Of course,  I wasn't going to  actually jump off a cliff face, so we needed to find a wall with a small drop, that we could edit to look as if i were jumping a high distance. Whilst jumping off the small wall, i landed in the wrong way, and was in agony with my foot. I needed to stop standing on it instantly and sit down, which prevented us from filming it again like we needed in order to get better shots, from different angles e.c.t. I went to the hospital to get it looked at not long afterwards and was told i had fractured a bone in my foot. I then had to wear a special boot for two weeks in order to let it heal. This taught me to make sure i know in advance exactly how i am meant to land, before just going ahead and doing it.
 In regards to the technological side of it, we had a college camera to keep safe whilst going out and filming. We made sure that the straps were kept securely around our hands at all times, as we needed to get shots from over the cliff face. Over all, i believe we managed to keep ourselves safe, but should definitely weigh up certain situations if we ever shot for a media project again.

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