Monday 26 March 2012

Diary Entry For Filming - Alex Smith

Today we got on the bus to the town centre and walked to a remote seaside location. Due to the fact it was getting increasingly dark, again speed was of the essence. Shots required were:

1)   Wide Shot – Female Character Walking to suicide location. Provides a sense of texture and context.
2)   Mid Shot – Female character approaching sea wall stairs.
3)   Very Wide Shot – Female character walking up to the sea wall.
4)    Mid Shot – Female Character looking over sea wall.
5)   POV Shot – Female looking over sea wall edge.
6)   Over-the-shoulder-shot – Looking over the female characters shoulder at the landscape.
7)   POV Shot – Female character acknowledging the landscape.
8)   Low Angle Mid Close Up – Female character’s emotion.
9)   Wide Shot – Female character climbs up onto the sea wall. And jumps off.
10)   Wide Shot – Male character climbs up onto the wall (To be reversed)
11)  Mid Shot – Male character climbs down from sea wall.
12)  POV Shot – Male looking over sea wall edge. (To be reversed)
13)  Very Wide Shot – Male character walking up to the sea wall. (To be reversed)
14)  Mid Shot – Male character approaching sea wall stairs. (To be reversed)Wide Shot – Male Character Walking to suicide location. Provides a sense of texture and context. (To be reversed)

In the best interest of the technology and its value we made a make shift, neck strap for the camera so when filming the over the edge shots we didn't drop it! We managed to film all of the shots required and it took us about an hour and a half, Sabrina when filming for a shot, fell awkwardly on her ankle and she may have to go to A&E to get it checked out, but all in all a successful trip.

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