Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 2

    Our central protagonist, a typical teenage female, is victimised throughout the opening sequence by a group of individuals. This act alone proves her lowly respected status and position within their ‘popular’ society. Portraying a young female as the main character appears to be rather popular within this particular industry and enabled us to reinforce vulnerability upon her. We also emphasised isolation and independence within youth culture and explored various emotions.  
     Teenagers are the main focus of our media product. We hope that the main character will be an individual in which the target audience can relate to and construct emotion for. This particular female is defenceless, fragile and inferior which is in contrast to the general perception the public already have of teenagers. However, this prejudiced image is represented by the other characters that victimise and torment the vulnerable female lead.
      We decided that using costumes that reflect the average teenager; such as leggings, a jumper and ‘gilet’ would be more effective and realistic than designing specific outfits. All of the characters included in our footage are filmed wearing average, casual clothing in which they would on a daily basis. This concept also reinforces the realism of our media product and ensures that our target audience feels a close relation to the characters.

  ‘Fish Tank’ portrays the main character, Mia, in a completely different way to that of our film. This aggressive teenage girl has been thrown out of school and finds it difficult to engage in any sophisticated conversation. Her clothes are stereotypically ‘chavy’ and her language is extremely poor. The female in our film is vulnerable and reserved. She is repeatedly victimised and has the ability to win over the viewer’s hearts.
  Despite the clear differences between the two characters, they are both alienated from society and engage in threatening conflict with peers. Each of the protagonists show clear connections between their relationships and how their home-lives have affected them and display both physical and emotional aspects of growth. They portray two opposite stereotypes and help to reinforce absolute realism into each film.

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