Monday 2 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 7

Evaluation Question 7
In the progression from the Preliminary Task to the full product we have learned:
  •        Working outdoors, with natural light opposed to prosthetic light made the colouring of the clips harder as it meant we had to adjust each and every clip depending on different levels of lighting.

  •       The difficulty of shooting match-on-action shots on location. Here we have two match-on-action shots from the task, difference being the time taken between shots and distance travelled to film each shot Here in the preliminary task it took us a matter of seconds to relocate the camera and get the angle we wanted. Whereas in the final product below, the time taken to relocate the camera for a different angle and shot took much longer. 

Overall the greatest thing we believe we have learnt is that time management is very important to creating a successful product. We also found that the process of filming and editing takes considerably longer than, we may first have, anticipated.

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