Sunday 22 January 2012

Frame by frame analysis of Fish Tank opening (Sabrina Bell)

This shot of the title 'Fish Tank' is the first image the audience views, as it plays a significant part to the opening. The words are layed out in a square, angular way, which could connot the harshness that the film explores. The typography is written in plain white capital letters, and with a plain black backround. The darkness on screen may represent the un-pleasant, 'dark' storylines that the audience will experience as the movie progresses.

The second shot introduces the main character, Mia. The position she is in represents stress and suffering. This will get the audience familiar with the themes and feelings that Mia experiences throughout the movie. She is in an abandoned flat, where she practices her dancing in secret, but the audience is unaware of this at this point. It could be percieved that she herself is in a 'tank', and dying to break away.
In this shot, Mia is looking out upon her neighbourhood- which is an east London council estate. This could represent how she is longing to grow up, and how nieve she is in respect to the world around her. This fits in with the coming of age genre that we are looking at, as it is centred around the discovery and journey of a teenager.
This shot shows Mia walking out onto her councel estate, and witnessing some 'chavy' girls practicing a dance routine. She confronts them, and then head-buts one of the girls in the nose. This reinforces the brutatlity of teenagers that live in certain areas. This also allows the audience to become familiar with Mia's personality, as she is portrayed as foul-mouthed and violent.

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